Submit your event/s here. Note that we limit event listings mainly to free or inexpensive public events in Wellesley, such as talks, films, theatre productions, concerts, etc. This is not a place for businesses to promote themselves, their classes, etc. Please don’t submit events that run for weeks and weeks. We approve event listings before they go live, typically within 24 hours.
No business sales, trunk shows, etc. (those would be paid advertisements). Please go easy on the ALL CAPS, exclamation points!!!!, etc.
We also appreciate any contributions to support our independent journalism venture.
Thanks, Deborah & Bob
Friends of the Wellesley Free Libraries donation days
Help the Friends of the Wellesley Free Libraries stock up for their spring Book Sale. Bring your gently used materials to the Donation Days on March 23rd and 24th at the Main Library in the Wakelin Room. Sunday, March 23: 1pm-4pm Monday: March 24: 9am - 11am The Friends accept Adult and children’s books (fiction, […]
Wellesley Complete Streets Public Meeting
Wellesley is updating its Complete Streets Prioritization Plan and wants public feedback on areas where safety for walkers, cyclists, and drivers is a concern. Join an in-person public discussion on Monday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the Great Hall at Town Hall (525 Washington Street). Give your input on dangerous intersections, pedestrian and bike […]
Wellesley Select Board office hours with Beth Sullivan Woods
Meet with Wellesley Select Board member Beth Sullivan Woods on March 25. Email for an appointment slot at Town Hall between 10:30-12pm. Select Board office hours are open to everyone in the community. Ask questions, give input, and share concerns about Town operations, economic development, housing, and other issues. YES, sign me up for […]
World of Wellesley webinar: The Evolution of Antisemitism and Jewish Identity
Virtual eventEVENT: The Evolution of Antisemitism and Jewish Identity DATE: Tuesday, March 25 TIME: 7:30pm LOCATION: virtual webinar DESCRIPTION:
The Education Cooperative’s Spring College Fair (at Westwood High)
The Education Cooperative is holding its Spring College Fair on March 26, 6-8 p.m., at Westwood High School. Free and open to the public. Every fall and spring TEC coordinates a regional College Fair. We bring together a large selection of colleges and universities from around the country to showcase their program offerings to hundreds […]
Lisa Rogers Book Launch with Carolyn Mackin & Elizabeth Cohen
Lisa Rogers is a former Wellesley Public Schools elementary library teacher and award-winning author who writes lyrical picture book biographies that focus on artists and their inspiration. This event on March 26 at Wellesley Free Library (6:30pm) will feature a reading of Lisa's new picture book, Joan Mitchell Paints a Symphony, illustrated by Stacy Innerst […]
Lisa Rogers to read from new picture book, “Joan Mitchell Paints a Symphony”
Wellesley Free Libary, 530 Washington St. MA, United StatesEVENT: Authors and artists DATE: Wednesday, March 26 TIME: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM LOCATION: Wellesley Free Library, 530 Washington St. DESCRIPTION: Lisa Rogers is a former Wellesley Public Schools elementary library teacher and award-winning author who writes lyrical picture book biographies that focus on artists and their inspiration. This event will feature a reading […]
Musical Baseball Show at Tolles Parsons Center
Howie Newman (courtesy photo) In order to celebrate the beginning of the 2025 baseball season, the Tolles Parsons Center, 500 Washington St., Wellesley, is hosting a free Musical Baseball Show by local singer-songwriter (and former sportswriter) Howie Newman on Thursday, March 27, at 1:30 p.m. The concert is open to all seniors in the […]
Film screening & discussion—Plastic People: The Hidden Crisis of Microplastics
Sustainable Wellesley and partners are screening Plastic People: The Hidden Crisis of Microplastics, a 2024 documentary investigating our addiction to plastic and the growing threat of microplastics on human health. Since its premier at the SXSW film festival, it has only been screened at film festivals and community sponsored events like this one. Register for […]
Wellesley League of Women Voters Town Meeting Prep Night
Join the Wellesley League of Women Voters and Town officials for an overview of 2025 Annual Town Meeting, which begins on April 1. Review the Town Meeting articles, ask questions, and share comments. Open to the public. Event takes place at Wellesley Police Station, 485 Washington St., March 27, 7-9pm. Annual Town Meeting, Wellesley […]
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