The Swellesley Report accepts letters to the editor. Letters must be of general local community interest and must be signed. Community shout-outs are also accepted (example: a non-profit may thank an organization for a donation received).

Letters to the Editor are published within one week of their receipt.
Letters must be written for The Swellesley Report only—we do not accept form-type letters sent to multiple news agencies.
Send letters to the editor to
We strive not to cut letters for space, but please keep word count to under 1,500 words. Letters may be edited by The Swellesley Report for length or clarity.
Letters must include the author’s first and last name.
Multiple letter signers are discouraged. The Swellesley Report will not list more than six signers on any Letter to the Editor.
Please include a phone number and street address to allow confirmation.
Letters may include the writer’s address. If included, the street name will appear in the published letter. The street number and phone number will not appear.
The Swellesley Report reserves the right to reject letters for publication due to matters of taste and/or inaccuracy.
Letters are voices from the community and do not represent The Swellesley Report in any way.
Authors are limited to one letter published per month.
We do not permit hate speech, name-calling and personal attacks; gratuitous links to your personal website, political party/campaign, or product/service you represent.
Regarding the Comments section of Letters to the Editor: comments, if accepted, will be published within 24 hours if they are received Monday-Thursday. Comments received Friday, Saturday, or Sunday will likely not be published until the following Monday.
Political-related letter guidelines
Please see above—the same rules apply for election letters.
Letters endorsing candidates; pro/con on ballot initiatives; “get out the vote” type letters; etc. are accepted.
As a general policy, if a sampling of letters on a particular issue has already been published, subsequent letters on that same issue may not be published.
No political or election-related letters will be published the week before the election.