The COVID-19 pandemic that has forced the majority of us to stay home most of the time has given Wellesley songwriters and musicians extra time and inspiration, as we wrote recently in “Wellesley Rocks!…online for now.” Among the new fruits of this situation is a fresh take by Wellesley resident Bob Bua (a.k.a., RipCHORD) on Green Day’s “Wake Me Up When September Ends.”
The new twist: “Wake Me Up When CORONAVIRUS Ends.”
While Bua has borrowed the music for this song from Green Day, he enjoys writing his own music and lyrics (fun fact: Mr. & Mrs. Swellesley are survivors of the 1994 Green Day riot in Boston). Bua started teaching himself guitar just 6 years ago. “I have never had a lesson–I wanted to find my own sound,” he says.
Six months after picking up a guitar, Bua played live in a bar in Brookline. “I invited lots of friends who I knew would support me and give me the courage to play guitar and sing in front of people. It was tough, but I survived the night! Since then I play a few times a year at bars with a my ‘band’–some great guys I have met along life’s path.”
The subject of the coronavirus and COVID-19 is poignant for Bua, who spent more than 20 years in the eldercare marketplace, having been a licensed nursing home administrator and then founder of a company called CareScout that helped people find quality eldercare across the country. “I believe that today’s COVID-19 related crisis has posed the greatest challenge for senior care facilities than ever before. On a positive note, I am glad that the public is getting a close look at just how caring and wonderful most senior care workers truly are. It takes a special person to care for others. As for the future, I believe the trend towards shifting eldercare from facilities to the home setting will continue to accelerate.”
Proving his versatility, Bua runs Downeast Ice Cream Factory shops in Boothbay Harbor, Maine, which he hopes to open as soon as it’s safe to do so. “As for tourism in Maine, once we grow accustomed to proper distancing and enhanced safety protocols for food establishments, the Maine summer tourist season will be strong. Instead of flying on a plane to Italy or elsewhere this June and July, Boston-area tourists may prefer a car ride to beautiful Maine. Once there, no one can resist homemade ice cream!”
Meanwhile, can you resist Bua’s latest song? No way.
Ah, a breath of fresh music! Yay! Thank you so much for posting this and to the singing Bob, thanks for your singing.