Wellesley Athlete of the Week is made possible with sponsorship support from Deland, Gibson Insurance. The family-owned and operated business has carried on this Wellesley tradition for over 30 years.
- Athlete of the Week: Brooke Bovie
- Year: Sophomore
- Sport: Diving
Brooke Bovie began diving last year when she joined the freshman team. She had a background in dance, and although there are correlations with techniques, she had no prior diving experience.
Bovie’s first season of diving was riddled with restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but she was still able to pull off a stellar start to her career. Her goal this season is to qualify for regionals, which means scoring higher than 180 in at least 2 meets.At her last meet, she scored 166. She hopes to continue improving throughout the season to get to the 180 mark.
“I really like being on a team, and encouraging my teammates around me,” Bovie says. “I also enjoy trying new out new tricks.”
On a typical meet day, Bovie arrives at the pool at around 5pm for warm-ups and stretching. Depending on the size of the other team, participants go back and forth on the board and practice.
Bovie’s most memorable moment from being on the diving team was bonding day. The team went to a ropes course at the beginning of the season when they didn’t know each other very well.
“It was a great time to get to know each other better and create a better team bond,” Bovie said.
She also readied for the season by watching diving on TV during the Summer Olympics. That gave her a sense of what judges like and don’t like. Now her TV sports viewing has turned to the Patriots.
The sophomore’s sports interests are many. She used to play soccer in the fall but moved to dive. She’s on the ski team in the winter, and plays lacrosse during the spring. Bovie dances year-round.
Bovie’s greatest accomplishment in diving has been picking up the basic skills and gaining a solid understanding of where to go from there.
More: Read last week’s Wellesley Athlete of the Week article
Article written by The Bradford’s Ben Galligan.