The Wellesley Select Board will hold a public hearing on November 15, 2021, at 6:00 pm to consider proposed amendments to the Rules and Regulations Governing Alcoholic Beverages. Proposed revisions and policy decisions under considerations include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Consolidating the Select Board’s policy governing on-premises establishments and its policy governing off-premises establishments into one single policy document to eliminate any conflicting requirements
- Eliminating the background information about the history of licensing in Wellesley
- Reorganizing the sections to address the various stages of the licensing and operating process
- Clarifying alcohol serving and handling training requirements
- Updating policies pertaining to assistant managers, including CORI rules
- Updating policies pertaining to licensed managers, including the obligation to be on the premises 50% of the time the licensed premises is open
- Outlining the violation policy
- Revising the Intent to Dine provision (define “food service” and/or “full meal”)
- Revising the 10% Bar Seating Cap
- Clarifying the scope of permitted bar service
- Amending time requirement for cancellation of a license for non-use
- Establishing a BYOB license
A copy of the proposed modifications to the regulations can be found on the Town of Wellesley website at—November-2021-PDF
Individuals who cannot attend, but would like to send along comments may do so by calling (781) 431-1019 ext. 2205 or by emailing .
Residents seeking to participate in the public forum should email prior to the meeting and a number will be assigned for speakers. All residents seeking to participate shall call into 1 -781-489-7525, (Conference Line) and await the announcement of your assigned number to speak. Individuals wishing to participate who have not received a number shall be asked at the end of the agenda item if they would like to speak before the Board moves on to the next agenda item.