When the Town of Wellesley goes back-to-school shopping, it goes big. As in, “I think we should get the kids a whole new elementary school this year, don’t you?”
Although the big-ticket (over $72M) item didn’t exactly come to fruition on such a whim, the new Hardy Elementary School did, indeed, open for students and staff in time for the start of this school year. The original Hardy, which last year celebrated 100 years educating students, was torn down and built back up in near-record time. Teardown start date: July 9, 2024. Hardy School opening date: Aug. 28, 2024. That’s 50 days from demo to done.

The old building, located in the “front yard” of the property, close to Weston Road, stayed open and operational, while the new Hardy went up in the Route 9 eastbound side “back yard.”
The old Hardy was less than half the size of the new Hardy, a 80,039 square foot, 18-classroom school designed to serve approximately 365 students in kindergarten through fifth grade, and was funded in part with a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA).
In case you’re planning a Wellesley teardown of your own and would like to stay in your old home while your new one is built in that unused corner of your vast property holdings, the answer is no. Something about safety regulations. Ah well, start looking for your swing space.
We were invited in to tour the brand-new Hardy building, and we’ve got pictures to show you.
If you, too, would like to get a good look at how your tax money is being spent, then save the date. The Grand Opening of Hardy Elementary School will take place on Saturday, Nov. 23, at 10am. Wellesley Public Schools will hold a brief ceremony celebrating the completion of the new Hardy. Following the ceremony, visitors can tour the building and learn more about the design and construction process. This event is open to everyone in Wellesley.

At the end of our tour, Principal Smith had something important he wanted to get across. “We’re all so grateful for the Town’s support and feel that the new Hardy School is a beautiful and a highly functional space that’s able to meet all the educational demands of teaching and learning in the modern age.”