From the Needham History Center & Museum:
Perhaps “Wellesley started the American Revolution” is an overstatement. We’ll concede that it was a group effort. And since we’re getting all technical, Wellesley wasn’t Wellesley then, it was part of Needham. But the people of Wellesley should be proud of the contributions their forebearers made towards creating this nation.
It’s a great story.
250 years ago, West and East Needham residents helped repel British attacks on Lexington and Concord. The West Needham militia (leaving from Weston Rd. and Central St.), the East Needham militia (leaving from Townsend Green), and the Minute Company (leaving from what is now the Wellesley CC) marched over 12 miles to join the battle at the Jason Russell House (which still stands). The fighting in Arlington was some of the heaviest of the day, and five of our own gave their lives in the first battle to create this nation.
- We know the location where the West Militia departed.
- We know roughly when they headed out.
- We know the route.
- We know where they joined the battle.
- The site where they joined the battle still stands.
- And we roughly know where the Needham/Wellesley soldiers fell.
To celebrate this event, the Needham History Center & Museum is hosting their annual Needham2Arlington event on Saturday, April 19, 2025.
There are two options: Join our walk for a guided 12.6-mile tour, or take the bus guided tour.
The WALK starts at 8:45 AM and leaves from Townsend Green (intersection of Nehoiden and Central Ave.).
For those up to the challenge, lace up your sneakers as we walk the 12.6-mile route from Needham to Arlington. The route includes Needham, Wellesley, Newton, Watertown, Belmont, and Arlington. Assuming a roughly 25-minute/mile pace, walkers should arrive at the Jason Russell House around 2:45 PM.
T-shirt, water stops, and sweep car provided. At our destination, we will tour the Jason Russell House with its many musket ball strikes, commemorate the sacrifice our fellow townspeople made, and enjoy a packed lunch.
Register today at Participants must sign a release form, and the cost is $30.00. Participants will need to arrange their own transportation home.
The BUS option starts at 1:30 PM and leaves from the Needham History Center & Museum, 1147 Central Ave., Needham.
For those who want to see the actual route, but not walk it, the bus tour may be for you! The bus and tour guide will depart from the NHC&M at 1:30 PM. We plan to arrive at the Jason Russell House around 2:30 PM—just as the walkers are arriving.
At our destination, we will tour the Jason Russell House with its many musket ball strikes, commemorate the sacrifice our fellow townspeople made, enjoy a packed lunch, and (most importantly) get a ride back to Needham.
Register today at Participants must sign a release form, and the cost is $60.00. Tickets are limited.
Register at
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