A roundup of Wellesley, MA’s most spectacular rocks (others we should include? theswellesleyreport@gmail.com)
Devil’s Slide
Off of Greendale Road….don’t recommend sliding down it when it’s icy. Big school trip activity.
Problem Rock
Intersection of Grove Street, Dover Road
Football boulder
Commemorates the Wellesley-Needham High football rivalry. Stands on Washington Street between Town Hall and the Wellesley Police Station.
Fairy Rock
On the Boulder Brook trail
Elephant Rock
On the Boulder Brook trail
Giant climbing rock
In front of Wellesley Post Office, front view.
County Rock
Can be seen on the far left, rising above the Charles River near a footbridge at the Leo J. Martin golf course. The rock marks the intersection of Wellesley/Newton/Weston as well as Norfolk and Middlesex counties. It is the lowest point in Wellesley at 39.56 ft. above mean sea level.
George Washington
In lower falls, this rock features a plaque touting President George Washington passing through.
Kindness rocks
Can be found here and there along trails in Wellesley
Roger Babson’s Babson Boulders
An example of Babson College founder Roger Babson’s Babson Boulders, which feature inspirational words. This boulder is on the Babson campus, and lots more can be found in Dogtown, Mass.
The Geological Story of Wellesley
This book is available from the Wellesley Conservation Land Trust and can be borrowed from Wellesley Free Library.