Those for and against the proposed development of a 130-unit assisted living and memory care facility at the top of Pond Road on the Wellesley/Natick town line have launched signature campaigns in hopes of impressing town decision makers.
Wellesley’s Select Board is expected to take up the matter of this proposed project at its Jan. 16 meeting.
Welltower, the developer, is seeking approval from both Wellesley and Natick to build the facility, which it says will meet a need for such senior housing, at the site of a current Natick mansion. It pulled back on a citizen petition before Natick’s Spring Annual Town Meeting last year in the face of residential opposition and a lukewarm reception by the Planning Board. It recently scored a favorable decision by Wellesley’s Planning Board—in part by dangling a possible $1M payment to the town under a future development agreement— in advance of Wellesley’s Annual Town Meeting in late March. The developer’s strategy would be, if Wellesley OKs the plan, to then circle back with Natick, where the facility would actually be located (only the driveway at 200 Pond Road and some surrounding property is in Wellesley).
I was hit up twice in front of Roche Bros. in Wellesley over the past week by Welltower representatives seeking my signature as a Wellesley resident. The first rep was greeting passersby with “Would you like to help the elderly?” and then explaining what the signature collection was for. The second started with something along the lines of “I’m collecting signatures to support an assisted living facility.”

As I lingered, most of the people who stopped to hear the pitch had no idea where Pond Road was (“Is that near Needham?” one asked). Pond Road is one of seven designated scenic roads in Wellesley.
I was a bit surprised that Welltower would even be allowed to do this in front of Roche Bros., not being a non-profit, but one of the reps said they’re protected by state law given that they’re going through a local political process, and that they’d received the store’s OK.
Based on updates from Swellesley readers, signature collectors have also been spotted at the Wellesley Whole Foods and Recycling & Disposal Facility, as well as at Natick’s Stop & Shop.
Welltower has also made its petitions, one for Natick residents and one for Wellesley residents, available on its 200 Pond Rd. website.
The Wellesley petition, which will be brought to the attention of the Wellesley Planning Board and Select Board, states that: “The undersigned petitioners request your support for the creation of zoning in Wellesley that would allow for the project at 200 Pond Road to move forward and help provide housing options for local seniors, the protection of Pond Road, and revenue for the Town of Wellesley.”
Pete D’Agostino, a local consultant for the project, wrote to us that “Some residents prioritize town revenue over conservation land; other residents prioritize conservation land over town revenue. In this case—the proposed zoning amendment and development agreement together—would address the concerns of both groups of residents, providing for the creation of conservation land to preserve the Pond Road hillside in perpetuity, while still allowing the Town to recover the potential loss of revenue that the Town might have otherwise received if the hillside was fully developed with two new large homes.”
The developer has said that if its senior living plan doesn’t go through, a likely outcome will be two homes in Wellesley alongside the road, plus a handful more up the hill where the current mansion sits. Of course, the horse has already left the barn regarding homes near the top of the road, with the two built in 2022.
Countering this effort is a petition launched on Jan. 5 with the title “Preserve Pond Road. From Commercial Development. Preserve Wellesley.” The petition states: “The threat of massive commercial development looms over the beautiful tree canopy on historic Pond Road. We are a group of concerned citizens and neighbors who are fighting to stop spot zoning, and protect our beloved neighborhood.” It also warns that “your residential neighborhood could be next.”
About 800 people had signed as of Thursday morning on Jan. 11, with signers required to include their name and email address, but not their mailing address. Some left comments, such as “The arguments against are many, including public safety and environmental impact. I don’t think anyone involved opposes the idea of a high-end, private-pay, assisted living/memory care complex. It is the location and scale which are problematic and not appropriate (and unsafe) for a beautifully wooded area at the end of a very narrow, beautiful, residential road.”
The petition organizer, Neena Chand, lives next door to the proposed 200 Pond Rd. project and has been critical of it during public speak sessions at town meetings. Her husband, a developer, appeared at numerous Wellesley Planning Board meetings a few years back regarding the building of what is now their Pond Road home and the one next to it. Ironically, a petition was launched in 2020 by those against the original plans for those houses in the name of saving the tree canopy.
In order for the 200 Pond Rd. proposal to move forward at Wellesley Town Meeting the Select Board will first need to approve a development agreement, which would enable the town to limit what it would allow access to on the Natick property. It would also define a payment to the town in lieu of taxes as well as conservation restrictions. Initial discussion is slated to take place at the Jan. 16 Wellesley Select Board meeting.

The image that Mr. Himmelberger is trying to paint in his overly long missive above is filled with so many inaccuracies and omissions, it is hard to know where to begin. The truth is simple: This is a national developer who is coming in to buy our town. Since there is absolutely no benefit to Wellesley, the Developer had to offer the town $1million for re-zoning privileges. This colossal structure will dominate the landscape of the scenic road, will increase traffic, trucks and emergency vehicles incalculably, and the light pollution of the 24/7 flood lights will be visible to all.
The most glaring omission, however, is that Mr. Himmelberger does not identify himself as the lawyer for this project who stands to benefit enormously should the destruction of this scenic road move forward.
Referencing Mr. Himmelberger’s comment above,
We are the family he is referring to, and yes so desperately trying to protect our home from unscrupulous, large scale development.
Of course, we would welcome additional homes in our residential neighborhood. Families for our children to play with, are always welcome.
Massive development by a global billionaire corporation, who picked up a residential parcel for cheap with the hope of strong arming two towns into spot re-zoning is not welcome.
The measly acreage you’re proposing for conservation will be decimated by the blasting needed to construct this project. You’re disturbing more land than you’re protecting.
David, thank you for trolling me, but I have no desire to get into a social media like debate. Good luck to you because you have a long road ahead of you, almost as long as the history and length of scenic pond road.
You may be aware of the proposal for much needed assisted living and memory care for local seniors, to be built at 200 Pond Road, albeit in Natick. In support of this proposal, signatures have been being gathered in person here in Wellesley and Natick. Apparently in response to this, an alternative petition has been created. Earlier this week you might have seen or even signed a petition entitled “Preserve Pond Road. From Commercial Development. Preserve Wellesley” ( petition). This is different from the physical petition in support of the 200 Pond Road project that has been collecting hand signatures here in Town.
This petition opposes the redevelopment of the existing estate at 200 Pond Road into Senior Housing (which would be located on the Natick side of the parcel), and by extension, opposes the creation of conservation land along Pond Road. We welcome healthy debate on the merits of the project, but that discussion should be based on the facts, and not on misleading information.
The sponsor of the petition is the wife of the developer who built the two new mansions on Pond Road in 2022. Both the husband and wife appeared before the Wellesley Planning Board on December 18, 2023 to oppose the Planning Board sponsored zoning amendment, and instead stated they would prefer the development of two new mansions along Pond Road (which would be permitted by right). The sponsor of the petition said at the meeting, “Two homes next to us on Pond Road, we would welcome that”.
If the 200 Pond Road senior housing development was to proceed, the building would sit entirely on the Natick portion of the property, largely on land that has already been cleared and developed for the current estate. Access (e.g. the driveway) and utilities would run through the Wellesley portion of the land, as it does today. A Conservation Restriction would be placed upon the Pond Road hillside in perpetuity, meaning that aside from the access and utilities associated with our development there could be no further development on the Wellesley portion of the land. This Conservation Restriction runs with the land and will remain in perpetuity if Town Meeting in both towns pass the zoning. Please visit to view the conservation land overlay.
This Conservation Restriction reflects the commitment to protect the Pond Road hillside, views, and tree canopy, none of which would be accomplished if two new large mansions (which would be permitted by right) were to be constructed instead.
Make no mistake, the zoning amendment for the project would only permit the construction of senior housing. The petitioner repeatedly refers to “large scale commercial development” generally. The project does not intend, and would not be permitted to, develop another commercial development like a Walmart. Relatedly, the petition portrays the new development as a “looming structure . . . larger than a Walmart.” This is inaccurate because it conflates the footprint of a building with total square footage. The proposed development would be a 130-unit senior housing community in Natick, with a ~55,000 sf footprint. The Walmart the petitioners reference has a footprint of 130,000 sf, which is more than double the size of the footprint of the proposed senior housing community. To paint a picture of what the senior housing community would look like from Pond Road, a sight line study is available at
In my view, the best way to preserve Pond Road is to support the proposed zoning amendment to allow for access to assisted living and memory care in Natick, and by extension, support the creation of conservation land in Wellesley.
The petition does not in fact preserve Pond Road. It, in fact, opposes the creation of conservation land along Pond Road in Wellesley and leaves in place the by right development of two new large mansions in Wellesley.
I encourage you to learn how the proposed zoning amendment truly does preserve Pond Road in perpetuity and provides for senior housing, in Natick on land that is already developed. Please visit to learn more or visit to read the proposed zoning amendment, including item 12.c, requiring the creation of conservation land.
In you want to learn more about the full proposal, please visit for information about the need for senior housing, conservation land overview, site plan, traffic study and much more.
If you want to support the creation of new conservation land in Natick and Wellesley, preservation of the hillside in perpetuity, and the redevelopment of the existing estate in Natick to senior housing, I ask you please sign the 200 Pond Road project petition at
“New” conservation land? How absurd, More like a new oxymoron. How about you and the developer leave our beautiful, scenic, treasured Pond Road alone? Your supposed logic/reasoning does not hold water. And you have chosen to ignore all my comments to you about this matter in the What’s Up, Wellesley Facebook group. “Redevelopment of the existing estate”? Give me a break.
I was approached by a woman at Whole Foods to sign the petition and when I asked a few questions she admitted she was a professional petition signature getter and didn’t know anything about the project. Pretty bad showing if the developer can’t even find ONE actual town resident to volunteer their time to support this project.