Buyer/s | Seller/s | Property address | Date of sale | Sale price |
Porter, Caleb | Shechtman, Marc W & Coolidge, Kathleen F | 41 Rice St | 05/23/2024 | $1,560,000 |
Yan, Fen | Kane Built Inc | 80 Hundreds Rd | 05/23/2024 | $5,100,000 |
15 Lathrop Road LLC | Kuo, Ben M | 15 Lathrop Rd | 05/22/2024 | $2,388,000 |
Sean M Doherty RET & Doherty, Sean M | Poirier, Christopher L & Poirier, Allison D | 93 Sagamore Rd | 05/21/2024 | $3,100,000 |
Li, Kelin & Li, Yuan | Bonefeld, Lars & Bonefeld, Rosana | 33 Benvenue St | 05/20/2024 | $1,750,000 |
Ritchie, Kenneth P & Perocchii, Anna K | Lawrence E Scott RET & Scott, Lawrence E | 121 Glen Rd | 05/20/2024 | $2,800,000 |
The attached report is republished with permission from The Warren Group LLC.
Priscilla Messing says
Enjoyed your article regarding Stephen Brown and his daily visits to the Wellesley Recycling area . I’m a volunteer at the site and I can attest to the fact that we have many frequent visitors that come in to the site to visit , who live in Wellesley who have very distinguished backgrounds and former livelihoods . It is a real compilation of personalities, backgrounds and fascinating personal histories .
Thanks for, once again, your positive coverage.
Priscilla Messing
Friends of Recycling