A CVS Pharmacy will move into a 12,500 sq. ft. space on the first floor of 25 Washington St. where the old Rte. 16 Grossman’s once stood, providing the town with its fourth CVS store if all goes according to plan.
Newton-Wellesley Hospital has signed a lease to occupy the remaining 21,100 sq. ft. of that building to house an ambulatory surgical center. Nice fit: that center and a pharmacy, no?
Meanwhile, CVS is closing in on Dunkin’ Donuts for bragging rights as the most prevalent business in Wellesley. Dunkin’ Donuts recently opened its fourth shop in Wellesley at 978 Worcester St. (Rte. 9 east), in the same complex where CVS is looking to open its third store in town (the one at 25 Washington St. would make four CVS stores, with Wellesley Square and Linden Square locations being the others). Dunkin’ Donuts has stores across from each other on Rte. 9, plus on Washington St. and on Linden St.
As for the new CVS on lower Washington St., it will be built for opening in 2012 adjacent to Waterstone at Wellesley, a luxury senior housing community under construction. A groundbreaking ceremony took place this week.
“We are pleased to have CVS as a tenant at 25 Washington Street,” said Jack O’Neil, Managing Partner of National Development, in a statement. “CVS is the perfect complement to Waterstone at Wellesley, and will provide a much needed service to the Wellesley Lower Falls neighborhood. This use will help to enhance the village’s identity of Lower Falls.”
Grossman’s sign goes down: the video
27 Washington St. construction